CBD Massage

CBD Massage Treatments at Naturally Heaven Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne

cbd massage near me What is CBD?

CBD massage has become a huge trend in recent years in the form of pharmaceuticals, infused drinks, snacks, and skincare products, you name it, it’s been done. What was once seen as a controversial substance has become mainstream, but what exactly is CBD oil and how does it work wonders in the beauty and wellness world?

How does it help in Massage?

Massage with CBD-infused oils and lotions at key points during your treatment, targeting the areas of most discomfort.  This treatment benefits you both physically and psychologically, bringing relief from joint/muscle pain and inflammation, stress & anxiety and promotes healthier skin.

Available now at Naturally Heaven Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne

What are the benefits of Massage using CBD?


For Your Mind

  • Brings about deep relaxation
  • Calms the mind
  • Relieves feelings of anxiety
  • Reduces stress
  • Relieves the symptoms of depression
  • Improves sleep and reduces insomnia


For Your Body

  • Relieves chronic joint & muscle pain
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes healthier skin
  • Works as a powerful anti-oxidant

Also available at Heaven Therapy Cullercoats

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